Tutorial: Visualization


This walkthrough is also available as a Jupyter ipynb Notebook - you can run yourself

Half of the fun with Jupyter Notebooks is organizing the data how you want.

But the most important part is how you can tell a story with that data.

The jupyter-ijavascript-utils library tries to give you a few different options:

Showing your data through a Table

utils = require('jupyter-ijavascript-utils');
[ 'utils' ]
    utils.datasets.list().slice(0, 10)
utils.ijs.await(async($$, console) => {
    cars = await utils.datasets.fetch('cars.json');
    console.log(`You have loaded ${cars.length} number of cars`);
You have loaded 406 number of cars

For more on tables, see the Exporting and Tables tutorial

    .filter((car) => car.Name.startsWith('chevrolet'))
    .styleRow(({record}) => record.Miles_per_Gallon > 20
             ? 'background-color:lightcyan' : '')
Name Miles_per_Gallon Cylinders Displacement Horsepower Weight_in_lbs Acceleration Year Origin
chevrolet woody 24.5 4 98 60 2,164 22.1 1976-01-01 USA
chevrolet vega 2300 28 4 140 90 2,264 15.5 1971-01-01 USA
chevrolet vega (sw) 22 4 140 72 2,408 19 1971-01-01 USA
chevrolet vega 20 4 140 90 2,408 19.5 1972-01-01 USA
chevrolet vega 21 4 140 72 2,401 19.5 1973-01-01 USA
chevrolet vega 25 4 140 75 2,542 17 1974-01-01 USA
chevrolet nova custom 16 6 250 100 3,278 18 1973-01-01 USA
chevrolet nova 15 6 250 100 3,336 17 1974-01-01 USA
chevrolet nova 18 6 250 105 3,459 16 1975-01-01 USA
chevrolet nova 22 6 250 105 3,353 14.5 1976-01-01 USA

Showing Through Vega Charts

For more, see the Vega Charting Tutorial


Vega-Lite is a charting library that provides a great deal of flexibility and interaction while also allowing for very simple use cases
(and further simplified with Vega-Lite-Api)

Screenshot of vega lite examples from vega-lite home

More examples and detail can be found on the Vega module


It is built on Vega that uses d3 as a visualization kernel.

True Vega is also supported, providing support for additional capabilities (that to my knowledge cannot be done with vega-lite)

Screenshot of Vega Charts

utils.vega.svg((vl) => vl.markPoint()
  .title('Displacement vs Horsepower')
    vl.filter('datum.Cylinders > 4')
    //-- Qualitiative field - a number
    //-- that can have the position determined relative to another and charted
    vl.color().fieldN('Origin').title('Car Origin').scale({ range: ['green', 'red', 'blue'] })

Screenshot of chart

Data Driven Maps

Map example

Interactive Charts

Screenshot of Vega-Lite with Sliders

Rendering Maps

You can use the Leaflet module to render maps, or markers.

This leverages Leaflet and Leaflet-Provider to help you show locations, geometries, etc.

Please see the leaflet module for more

  [52.230020586193795, 21.01083755493164, "point 1"],
  [52.22924516170657, 21.011320352554325, "point 2"],
  [52.229511304688444, 21.01270973682404, "point 3"],
  [52.23040500771883, 21.012146472930908, "point 4"]
], {height: 400, provider: 'Stamen.Watercolor'});

Screenshot of map

Render Equations using Latex

Both LaTeX and KaTeX are supported.

LaTeX is a typesetting engine often used for writing mathematical formulas along with technical and scientific documentation.

KaTeX is a very fast typesetting library specifically to write math notation. It implements a subset of the LaTeX specification.

Please see the latex module for more

utils.latex.render(String.raw`Given : $\pi = 3.14$ , $\alpha = \frac{3\pi}{4}\, rad$
\omega = 2\pi f \\
f = \frac{c}{\lambda}\\
\Delta\lambda = \frac{1}{\lambda^2}

Given : $\pi = 3.14$ , $\alpha = \frac{3\pi}{4}, rad$ $$ \omega = 2\pi f \ f = \frac{c}{\lambda}\ \lambda_0=\theta^2+\delta\ \Delta\lambda = \frac{1}{\lambda^2} $$

Screenshot of Latex

Render Diagrams through PlantUML

PlantUML Render diagrams in Jupyter Lab Renderer for PlantUML - a rendering engine that converts text to diagrams.

Screenshot with PlantUML

All PlantUML diagrams are supported - as they are managed by the server.

Such as:

Screenshot of types of PlantUML Diagrams

Please see the PlantUML module for more

Dynamically Generate SVGs for Diagrams

The utility here is a wrapper for SVG.js, so SVGs can be rendered either Server-Side (within the Notebook) or Client Side (within the browser rendering the notebook - but lost on export)

  utils.svg.render({ width: 400, height: 200,
      onReady: ({el, width, height, SVG }) => {
          const yellowTransition = new SVG.Color('#FF0000').to('#00FF00');
          for (let i = 0; i <=5; i++){
              el.rect(100, 100)
                  .fill(yellowTransition.at(i * 0.2).toHex())
                      new SVG.Matrix()
                          .translate(i * 20, 0)
                          .translate(100, 0)


This also can be rendered on the client side to create your own animations.

utils.svg.embed(({ el, SVG, width, height }) => {
    var rect1 = el.rect(100, 100)
        .move(width/2, 0);

    rect1.animate(1000, 0, 'absolute')
        .move(width/2, 100)
        .loop(true, true);

Screenshot of animation

Leveraging Noise you can make some very interesting images even without data.

Screenshot of animation

Extending with HTML Script

By balancing computing between the client and the browser side (through HTMLScript) you can leverage additional libraries that can use the DOM.


For more, please see the Architecture section and the HTMLScript tutorial