Simple library to support working within the iJavaScript kernel within Jupyter
Note that this is available as ijs
from within the
jupyter-ijavascript-utils module
- Asynchronous Methods
- ijs.await - Helper function to support Await / Async functions in iJavaScript
- ijs.asyncConsole - Utility function for consoling a value in a .then() clause
- ijs.asyncWait - Utility function for waiting x seconds between promise resolutions
- iJavaScript Context Detection
- ijs.detectIJS - Detect if we are within iJavaScript context
- ijs.detectContext - Identify the $$ and console variables of the current cell
- Introspection
- ijs.listGlobals - List global variables
- ijs.listStatic - List the static values on a class
- Rendering
- ijs.markdown - Render output as markdown
- ijs.htmlScript - Leverage external libraries like D3, Leaflet, etc.
For example:
//-- get the data
//-- fetch the data
//-- and do not execute the next cell until received.
utils.ijs.await(async ($$, console) => {
barley = await utils.datasets.fetch('barley.json');
//-- use the data as though it was synchronously received
//-- get the min max of the types of barley
barleyByVarietySite =, d => d.variety, d =>
//-- now group by variety and year
barleyByVarietyYear =, d => d.variety, d => d.year)
then later
// ['barley','d3','barleyByVariety','barleyByVarietySite',...]
Or passing NodeJS variables to JavaScript
scripts: [''],
height: '100%',
onReady: ({rootEl}) => {
new QRCode(rootEl, "");
(static) asyncConsole(message) → {function}
Simple promise chain for sending a console message
.then(utils.ijs.asyncConsole('after waiting for 2 seconds'))
.then((results) => console.log('results passed through: ${results}`));
after waiting for 2 seconds
results passed through: 200
Name | Type | Description |
message |
String | the message to be sent to console |
- (results) => results passthrough
- Type
- function
(static) asyncWait(seconds) → {function}
Simple promise chain for waiting N seconds.
.then(utils.ijs.asyncConsole('before waiting for 2 seconds'))
.then(utils.ijs.asyncConsole('after waiting for 2 seconds'))
.then((results) => console.log('results passed through: ${results}`));
before waiting for 2 seconds
after waiting for 2 seconds
results passed through: 200
Name | Type | Description |
seconds |
Number | the number of seconds to wait |
- (results) => results passthrough
- Type
- function
(static) await()
Allow for asynchronous programming within iJavaScript nodes.
utils.ijs.await(async ($$, console) => {
//-- $$ is the display for the current cell
//-- console is the console for the current cell
barley = await utils.datasets.fetch('barley.json');
console.log(`retrieved:${barley.length} nodes`);
// return will be the value sent to $$.sendResults()
// and shown alongside console
return barley.slice(0,1)
//-- outputs
retrieved:120 nodes
yield: 27,
variety: 'Manchuria',
year: 1931,
site: 'University Farm'
(static) detectContext() → {IJavaScriptContext}
Determines the current global display and console from iJavaScript (or null if not within iJavaScript)
- ({ display, console }) or null if not within iJavaScript
- Type
- IJavaScriptContext
(static) detectIJS() → {Boolean}
Determines if we are currently within the iJavaScript context
- true if the code is running within an iJavaScript kernel
- Type
- Boolean
(static) htmlScript(options)
Generates and renders an html block that loads external css and javascript.
For example, allows running browser side d3js in a Jupyter cell, Leaflet, etc.
Remember, your cells in Jupyter are running in NodeJS.
Once all the files have loaded, then onReady
will execute in JavaScript.
Note that only the function in onReady is executed in JavaScript (i.e. Data from other cells in Jupyter would normally not be available).
If data is needed from jupyter, pass them through
. (ex: airportData example below)
For More - See the htmlScript tutorial.
For example using a cdn library for qr codes
scripts: [''],
height: '100%',
onReady: ({rootEl}) => {
new QRCode(rootEl, "");
Or working with Leaflet - to show maps
//-- nodeJS Variable
airportData = { ohareORD: { lat: 41.975813, lon: -87.909428, title: "O'Hare Intl Airport" } };
//-- render out html
scripts: ['',
css: [''],
data: airportData,
height: 150,
//-- function will be executed in javaScript
onReady: ({rootEl, data}) => {
// L is globally available from the leaflet.js script.
//-- capture the nodeJS data and use in JavaScript. Neat!
ohareORD = data.ohareORD;
map =;
map.setView([, ohareORD.lon], 14);
new L.marker([, ohareORD.lon]).bindPopup(ohareORD.title).addTo(map);
L.tileLayer('https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
options |
Object | additional options available during rendering Properties
(static) listGlobals() → {Array.<String>}
- See:
List the globals currently defined.
This can be very useful when keeping track of values after a few cells.
For example:
cars = utils.datasets.fetch('cars.json').then(data => = data);
then later
// cars
- list of the global variables
- Type
- Array.<String>
(static) listStatic(target) → {Array.<StaticMember>}
- See:
List the static members and functions of a class.
// [{type:'function', constructor:'Function', isMethod:true, name:'listStatic'}, ...]
Name | Type | Description |
target |
class | the target class |
- Type
- Array.<StaticMember>
(static) markdown(markdownText)
Prints markdown if in the context of iJavaScript.
This can be deceptively helpful, as it allows your text to be data driven:
utils.ijs.markdown(`# Overview
This is markdown rendered in a cell.`);
Name | Type | Description |
markdownText |
String | The markdown to be rendered |