
Simple file for working with files, (or storing and loading json data)

For example, we just generated a dataset we want to come back to.

const weather = [
  { id: 1, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Aug', precip: 0.87 },
  { id: 0, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Apr', precip: 2.68 },
  { id: 2, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Dec', precip: 5.31 },
  { id: 3, city: 'New York', month: 'Apr', precip: 3.94 },
  { id: 4, city: 'New York', month: 'Aug', precip: 4.13 },
  { id: 5, city: 'New York', month: 'Dec', precip: 3.58 },
  { id: 6, city: 'Chicago',  month: 'Apr', precip: 3.62 },
  { id: 8, city: 'Chicago',  month: 'Dec', precip: 2.56 },
  { id: 7, city: 'Chicago',  month: 'Aug', precip: 3.98 }
utils.file.writeJSON('./data/weather.json', weather);

... Later on

I forgot which directory that the notebook is running in:

// /Users/path/to/notebook/

Now, I'd like to look at the files I currently have saved:

// [ 'data', 'package.json', ... ]

// ['weather.json', 'barley.json', 'cars.json']

Great! we can load in the data

data = utils.file.loadJSON('./data/weather.json');
// -- data already deserialized
// 9

... continue massaging the data as we wanted.


(static) checkFile(…files) → {Array.<String>}

Synchronously checks if any of the files provided do not exist.

For example:

//-- these exist
// ./data/credentials.env
// ./data/results.json

if (!utils.file.checkFile('./data/results.json')) {
   //-- retrieve the results
   utils.ijs.await(async($$, console) => {
     results = await connection.query('SELECT XYZ from Contacts');
     utils.file.write('./data/results.json', results);
} else {
   results = utils.file.readJSON('./data/results.json');

Note, you can also ask for multiple files at once

// false

or as an array:

// true
Name Type Attributes Description
files String <repeatable>

List of file paths to check (can use relative paths, like './')
see listFiles() or pwd() to help you)

  • null if all files are found, or array of string paths of files not found

(static) listFiles(directoryPath, readdirOptionsopt)


List files in a directory

// ['.gitignore', 'data', ... ];
Name Type Attributes Default Description
directoryPath String

path of the directory to list

readdirOptions Object <optional>

object with options to pass to fs readdir

(static) matchFiles(directoryPath, matchingFunction, returnFullPathopt) → {Array.<String>}


Finds files in a directory, returning only the file names and paths of those that match a function.

Note the matching function passes both fileNames and DirEnt objects
{(fileName:String, file:DirEnt) => Boolean}
allowing for checking for files:.isFile(), directories:.isDirectory(), symbolic links:.isSymbolicLink(), etc.

For example, if there is a ./tmp folder, with:

  • ./tmp/fileA (file)
  • ./tmp/fileB (file)
  • ./tmp/dirA (directory)
  • ./tmp/dirB (directory)

You could find only files like the following:

utils.file.matchFiles('./tmp', (fileName, file) => file.isFile());
// ['./tmp/fileA', './tmp/fileB'];

or find directories ending with the letter B:

 (fileName, file) => file.isDirectory() && fileName.endsWith('B')
// ['./tmp/dirB'];

Note: passing false as the last parameter will only return file names

utils.file.matchFiles('./tmp', (fileName) => fileName.startsWith('file'), false);
// ['fileA', 'fileB']
Name Type Attributes Default Description
directoryPath String

path of the directory to match within

matchingFunction function

(DirEnt) => Boolean function to determine if the path should be returned or not

returnFullPath Boolean <optional>

whether the full path should be returned

  • list of the files that match

(static) pwd() → {string}


List the current path (working directory)

utils.file.pwd(); // /user/path/to/notebook

(static) readFile(filePath, fsOptions) → {String}


Reads a file in as text.

This can be handy for tinkering / cleaning of small sets of data.

Note that this uses utf-8 by default for the encoding

sillySong = utils.file.load('../data/pirates.txt');

sillySong.split(/\n[ \t]*\n/)        // split on multiple line breaks
  .map(stanza => stanza.split(/\n/)  // split lines by newline
    .map(line => line.trim())        // trim each line
sillySong[0][0]; // I am the very model of a modern Major-General,
Name Type Description
filePath String

path of the file to load

fsOptions Object

options to pass for fsRead (ex: { encoding: 'utf-8' })


(static) readJSON(filePath, fsOptions)

  • writeJSON(path, data, fsOptions) - to write the data

Read JSON file.

Note that this uses 'utf-8' encoding by default

const weather = [
  { id: 1, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Aug', precip: 0.87 },
  { id: 0, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Apr', precip: 2.68 },
  { id: 2, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Dec', precip: 5.31 },
  { id: 3, city: 'New York', month: 'Apr', precip: 3.94 },
  { id: 4, city: 'New York', month: 'Aug', precip: 4.13 },
  { id: 5, city: 'New York', month: 'Dec', precip: 3.58 },
  { id: 6, city: 'Chicago',  month: 'Apr', precip: 3.62 },
  { id: 8, city: 'Chicago',  month: 'Dec', precip: 2.56 },
  { id: 7, city: 'Chicago',  month: 'Aug', precip: 3.98 }
utils.file.writeJSON('./data/weather.json', weather);

const myWeather = utils.file.readJSON('./data/weather.json');
myWeather.length; // 9
Name Type Description
filePath string

path of the file to load

fsOptions Object

options to pass for fsRead (ex: { encoding: 'utf-8' })

(static) writeFile(filePath, contents, fsOptions)


Writes to a file

Note that this uses utf-8 as the encoding by default

const myString = `hello`;
utils.file.writeFile('./tmp', myString);
const newString = utils.file.readFile('./tmp');
newString; // 'hello';

Note, you can append to the file by passing {append:true} in the options.

Name Type Description
filePath string

path of the file to write

contents string

contents of the file

fsOptions Object

nodejs fs writeFileSync, appendFileSync options

Name Type Description
append Boolean

if true, will append the text to the file

encoding String

encoding to use when writing the file.

(static) writeJSON(filePath, contents, fsOptions)


Writes to a file

NOTE that this uses utf-8 as the default encoding

const weather = [
  { id: 1, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Aug', precip: 0.87 },
  { id: 0, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Apr', precip: 2.68 },
  { id: 2, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Dec', precip: 5.31 },
  { id: 3, city: 'New York', month: 'Apr', precip: 3.94 },
  { id: 4, city: 'New York', month: 'Aug', precip: 4.13 },
  { id: 5, city: 'New York', month: 'Dec', precip: 3.58 },
  { id: 6, city: 'Chicago',  month: 'Apr', precip: 3.62 },
  { id: 8, city: 'Chicago',  month: 'Dec', precip: 2.56 },
  { id: 7, city: 'Chicago',  month: 'Aug', precip: 3.98 }
utils.file.writeJSON('./data/weather.json', weather);

const myWeather = utils.file.readJSON('./data/weather.json');
myWeather.length; // 9

Note, passing append:true in the options, will let you append text before writing, useful for dealing with large and complex files.

weatherEntry1 = { id: 1, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Aug', precip: 0.87 };
weatherEntry2 = { id: 0, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Apr', precip: 2.68 };
weatherEntry3 = { id: 2, city: 'Seattle',  month: 'Dec', precip: 5.31 };

utils.file.writeJSON('./data/weather2.json', weatherEntry1, { prefix: '[' });
utils.file.writeJSON('./data/weather2.json', weatherEntry2, { append: true, prefix: ', ' });
utils.file.writeJSON('./data/weather2.json', weatherEntry3, { append: true, prefix: ', ', suffix: ']' });


//-- single line shown here on multiple lines for clarity
// [{"id":1,"city":"Seattle","month":"Aug","precip":0.87}
// ,{"id":0,"city":"Seattle","month":"Apr","precip":2.68}
// ,{"id":2,"city":"Seattle","month":"Dec","precip":5.31}]
Name Type Description
filePath string

path of the file to write

contents string

contents of the file

fsOptions Object

nodejs fs writeFileSync, appendFileSync options

Name Type Description
append Boolean

if true, will append the text to the file

prefix Boolean

string to add before writing the json, like an opening bracket '[' or comma ','

prefix Boolean

string to add before writing the json, like a closing bracket ']'

encoding String

encoding to use when writing the file.